Protecting Hertfordshire

Planning decisions affect us all, yet we often have very little input. We want planning to be fairer, engage communities and protect the countryside as well as regenerate our towns and villages.
CPRE Hertfordshire wants to ensure that local people can have their say on developments and changes that impact on their community. We want to protect Hertfordshire’s Green Belt and the wider countryside from inappropriate development. To do this, we work within the planning system, alongside local government and local groups to promote planning policies that make the best use of the land and provide the best care of the environment. This includes care of our chalk streams, woodlands, fields and hedgerows to help protect landscapes and wildlife. And it includes actions to mitigate the climate emergency so that everyone can benefit both now and in the future.
It really is quite simple. We want the right kind of development in the right places for the right reasons. CPRE Hertfordshire is not about saying no to all proposals for housing or any development, we just need to ensure that what is built is needed and the impact of the development does not outweigh the benefits.