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Application no. 24/1618/FUL

Detailed planning application for a phased development comprising the demolition of existing structures, erection of 95 dwellings, associated parking, landscape, publicly accessible open space, connections to the Watling Chase Timberland Trail l, with pedestrian and vehicle access from London Road, together with a side extension to 41 London Road and the erection of associated garaging.

We believe that the lack of any specific local circumstances related to the site itself should be sufficient to maintain the protection afforded by the designation of Green Belt. The application demonstrates a very clear encroachment into open countryside beyond the built-up area with severe impact on its openness and character in this location and constitutes an inappropriate urban extension which the Green Belt designation exists to prevent. We objected in similar terms in January 2023 to the previous application for the same site and believe that there has been no change in local conditions to alter our concerns.

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Shenley Grange

Added 15 January 2025
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