Roundhouse Farm, Bullens Green Lane, Colney Heath St Albans AL4 0FU
Application No. 5/2020/1992
Outline application (access sought) – Construction of up to 100 dwellings together with all ancillary works Roundhouse Farm, Bullens Green Lane, Colney Heath St Albans AL4 0FU
This letter is being written jointly to Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council and St Albans City and District Council in respect of Applications nos. 6/2020/2248/ OUTLINE and 5/2020/1992 respectively.
CPRE Hertfordshire object to this Application for inappropriate residential development in the Green Belt contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, and the Green Belt and Sustainability policies in both the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan and St Albans Local Plan and the corresponding Submission Local Plans currently subject to Examination in Public.
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