Land to the West of Barnet Road, and East of Baker Street, Potters Bar
Application no. 24/1101/OUTEI
Outline application (with all matters reserved except for means of access) for a new neighbourhood comprising up to 900 dwellings (Use Class C3) (including affordable housing), a neighbourhood centre and community facilities (Use Class E (a), Class E (e) and F2 (b), a primary school (Use Class F1 (a)), land for an up to 80-bed care home (Use Class C2), strategic and informal open space, landscaping, parking, associated infrastructure and works, with vehicle and pedestrian accesses from Baker Street and Barnet Road
The site for this proposed development is in the Green Belt and is not included in the emerging draft Hertsmere Local Plan. We believe the applicant’s assertion that the site is ‘grey belt’ is entirely unacceptable. It is not previously developed land and it makes a contribution to two of the five purposes of the Green Belt as specified in national planning policy. We urge the Council to refuse permission.
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Land W of Barnet Rd, E of Baker St
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