Land Adjacent to Larksmead, Barnet Lane, Elstree
Application no. 24/1663/FUL
Demolition of existing stables and removal of associated hard-standing and the construction of an Integrated Retirement Community (IRC) of 90 extra care units (Use Class C2) with means of access; ancillary communal and care facilities; landscaping and open space; and all other associated works and infrastructure.
The proposed development site is in the Green Belt, and the applicant asserts that it is ‘grey belt’ which we strongly refute. This site together with that proposed for development in Hertsmere planning application 24/0442/FUL – Land south of Allum Lane Elstree – forms a substantial corridor for wildlife and the natural environment, and constitutes a crucial area of open countryside in an area which lacks such provision. Further, the open land between Elstree and Borehamwood performs a critical role in preventing the coalescence of these two significant settlements.
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Land adj. to Larksmead
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