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Gilston Village 7, Land off Church Lane, A414 Hunsdon and Eastwick

Application No. 3/19/2124/OUT
Gilston Village 7, Land off Church Lane, A414 Hunsdon and Eastwick
Outline planning application for development including demolition of existing structures, refurbishment and change of use of existing Grade 11 Listed Brickhouse Farm Barn and structures and erection of a residential led mixed use development comprising up to 1,500 residential market and affordable homes; a mixed use village centre, retail, business, commercial and community uses, primary school, early years and nursery facilities; leisure and sports facilities includng a football hub; provision for 8 no. pitches for Gypsies and Travellers; open spaces, etc…

Our principal concerns remain, including lack of indication of climate change implications or mitigation, lack of indication of adherence to Garden City principles, low densities and urban sprawl, lack of sustainable transport provision, lack of a Garden City Trust or similar arrangements, no indication of biodiversity gain, and inadequate provision of social and genuinely affordable housing.

Gilston Village 7 Amendments Land off Church Lane A414 Hunsdon and Eastwick CPREHerts 2021 02 26

Added 26 February 2021
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