Land at Woodbury Manor, Lye Lane, Bricket Wood, Hertfordshire AL2 3TW
Application No. 5/2019/0520
Outline Application (all matters reserved) Construction of three, three bedroom dwellings. (Resubmission following withdrawal of 5/2018/2171) On land at Woodbury Manor, Lye Lane, Bricket Wood, Hertfordshire AL2 3TW.
CPRE Hertfordshire continues to object to this application for inappropriate development in the Green Belt, which is contrary to the Green Belt policies in the National Planning Policy Framework and saved Policies 1 and 8 of the current St. Albans Local Plan. These policies require the applicant to demonstrate very special circumstances sufficient to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt by inappropriateness or other harm.
We have reviewed the case law referred to in the Design and Access Statement and conclude that this does not impact on the points which we made in our objection letter to
application no. 5/2018/2171.
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