Land adjacent to 1 Model Cottages, White Stubbs Lane, Bayford, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire EN10 7QA
Application No 3/19/2299/FUL
Change of use of agricultural land to a holiday touring park incorporating 36 caravan spaces, siting of a Shepherd’s Hut to provide W.C. and Shower facilities, provision of a
new access track and associated landscaping works. On land adjacent to 1 Model Cottages, White Stubbs Lane, Bayford, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire EN10 7QA
While accepting the intent in both the National Planning Policy Framework and the East Herts District Plan to encourage tourism within rural areas, CPRE Hertfordshire have
concerns regarding this proposal.
The Design and Access Statement and Green Belt Statement erroneously refer to the 2012 iteration of the NPPF. In the following we refer to the current 2019 version.
The applicant makes the case that the NPPF considers that provision for outdoor recreation is not inappropriate development in the Green Belt and that as touring caravans are
transient, they will have no impact on the openness of the Green Belt. However the NPPF is silent on the subject of touring caravans. It is a moot point whether or not caravanning constitutes a form of outdoor recreation. If it is accepted by the Council that it does, NPPF paras145 and 146 are clear that such provision is only acceptable “as long as it preserves the openness of the Green Belt and does not conflict with the purposes of including land within it.” The replacement of open fields with touring caravans, towing vehicles, tents, and access roads could not be regarded other than compromising openness notwithstanding the fact that the use is to some extent transitory in nature. (Case law has determined that car parking is held to impact on openness even though the parking of vehicles is transient.) Though not mentioned in the application it is also likely some security lighting will be provided and night time light pollution generated which also impacts on openness. As a result this part of the Green Belt would be less open than at present.
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